26 February, 2011

Vest Twins

Congratulations Brad and Jo.
Best of luck for your new life as a married couple.

23 February, 2011


I apologise for the shittitude of this image.
I am in a hurry.

14 February, 2011


It used to be a Venus flytrap... Should I just draw RoboCop again?


13 February, 2011


Guess who started playing Baldurs Gate II again...


12 February, 2011

Steampunk Robocop

That was fun. A Robocop prequel please if you're listening Hollywood.


09 February, 2011

Home Sweet Home

So, tomorrow I'm heading to Australia with my brothers for a weeks holiday.
Some of you might be saying, "Where will the HighScoreKid updates come from with Sean being so far from home?"
The rest of you will say nothing, because you'll be dead.

All that aside I have enlisted the help of my friend and flatmate Victor who will be delivering guest images for y'all.

Also, if I get time and internet access I shall endeavor to do some ol' school pen drawings and take photos of those. So who knows you could be getting double posts on some of these dark, dark days.

02 February, 2011

Sneak Attack

Are people enjoying these caveman illustrations?
Shall I continue on this road for a while longer or find another?